Sunday, October 12, 2008
What can you say after a game like that? It was god damned poetry. It's now Sunday and I'm still at a loss for words which doesn't happen to me often. So this isn't going to be a post of who played well and what we could have done better. I'm going to get emotional, and it's going to get weird. I'm going to talk about the religious experience I had last night.
I had to work during the day yesterday, and while periodically checking scores I could only really think about Penn State. Is this the year? Or do they break my heart again? We've all been there. In 94 having one of the best teams in college football history and being denied the title. In 99 losing to Minnesota then dropping two more because the offense couldn't get a first down. And then 1 second and one referee blunder in 2005. "Will they break my heart again?" is all I could think. Upsets were happening all around and it was a great day for college football, but the Lions were the only thing that could hold my focus.
Arriving at the bar and seeing all the blue and white put a feeling on me I can't quite describe. It was like being home but it meant so much more because I'm so far from home. The first half was outstanding. When I saw that punt return setting up I started jumping and screaming 20 yards before he actually broke lose. Poetry lads, poetry. I couldn't stop blathering to anyone who would listen about how good we are. I mean we are really good.
Then the third quarter, watching Darryl Clark shine under the lights in the all whites and float that beautiful ball to Deon Butler for a throat slicing touchdown left me paralyzed. I was the only one in the bar not jumping and yelling... because I was fucking crying. I cried boys. It was one of the most beautiful moments in my life. Second to Ohio State in 2005 and ranking just ahead of losing my virginity. That pass will be burned in to my mind forever.
Here is where I have my awakening. The lovely Ms. Kelley Clark turns to me and says "Why can't we be there for that?" Not in Wisconsin, but why can't we be students while all this is happening. So I started to explain that we had our time there and being an alum is different. Because it's easy to follow the team when you're there, so loving them this much after you leave means more. Then right there my connection to Penn State became stronger than ever because I finally understood what I had been mindlessly chanting since I could talk, we are Penn State. I am Penn State. I couldn't be me without it. It means too much to me.
So will this team break my heart? I still don't know. But I think what makes this feel so great is knowing I was still waking up early to be one of 105,000 screaming for a team that finished 4-7. We're not bandwagon fans. I will love that team if they go 0-12. I've been in attendance at Beaver Stadium since I was in the womb and every year since then. But this team, oh do I feel something special about this team. I don't know how it's going to play out this year, but I think the stars are aligning to give Happy Valley the trophy its been screwed out of too many times now.
For the Glory Gentlemen
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