Saturday, August 28, 2010

Early Season Predictions

Thank God its time for football again. Blame it on advances in technology and this new generation needing more and more stimulus if you like, but I cannot survive on baseball alone. I am so effing bored. Football time gentlemen, football time.

The fears for this season have been well stated and fairly obvious. I especially enjoyed Jason's quote regarding our quarterback situation. The second I hear the words "two quarterback system" come out of any coaches mouth I am completely packing it in for the season. This has never worked beyond a few gimmick plays for any team ever. Save for maybe Florida in which they used Tebow as the equivalent of William The Refrigerator Perry. And people can talk all they like about how with our running game we won't need our QB to do all that much but I think we know without the threat of the pass nothing works. The offense becomes very predictable and even the defense plays very tentative because they know their offense can't put points back on the board should they get burned.

I'll say again what I've always said, success for Penn State starts at the offensive line. We could have the most talented backfield in the country but without solid blocking we have nothing. Although this isn't one of the worst lines we've had in recent years, it isn't the best either. Overall I think we have the ingredients for a very ineffective offense.

The defense is an entirely different story. Obviously we lost a few guys but I am really excited to see Jack Crawford break out and I have extreme confidence in our safeties and corners. But again, Bradley has been known to pull the reigns and employ a "bend don't break" style defense when our offense is weak.

As far as predictions, I feel like you can count on losses to Bama, OSU, and Iowa. And Penn State teams like this in the past end up getting snakebit by a team they shouldn't lose to. Looking at our schedule I struggle to find it but I know its in there. And although my outlook on the season is pretty dismal, its still way better than watching the damn Pirates.