Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hate Card

What is the deal with the media reporting that things that are going “to be announced tomorrow?” What the hell is that? If the Bottom Line on ESPN says “Adam Schefter reports that Bobby Bowden will announce his retirement tomorrow,” didn’t Adam Schefter just announce Bowden’s retirement for him? Now what is there for Bowden to say?

In the specific case of Bowden, I feel sorry for him that it leaked out before he could announce it himself (assuming he does indeed go on to announce his retirement). The man has been coaching for a long time, and when he decides he wants to hang it up, it should be him telling it to the world, not Adam Schefter.

Drew/Albright: Does this qualify as an acceptable hate card?


Ryan Albright said...

I will officially announce my approval of this hate card tomorrow.

Drew Merritts said...

It works, except it needs to be formatted as follows: "I'm pulling the hate card on..."
But great observation.